
The Cybersecurity Program of the Faculty of Computing and Information, Ain Shams University, seeks to prepare graduates with competitive capability within the dynamic world of the cybersecurity field, in order to meet the actual evolving needs of the labor market at the local, regional and global levels.


Preparing specialized cadres with advanced scientific qualification in the field of cybersecurity, capable of respecting and meeting the social and moral values, and who have high scientific, research and applied skills to meet the needs of society and the changing market locally, regionally and globally in a distinct way that helps in achieving integrated and sustainable development.


The BSc in Cyber Security (CSEC) program, validated at Ain Shams University’s Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences in 2018, aims to graduate qualified security specialists, who are capable of using and applying digital security theoretical concepts, techniques and the technological means, which prevent the unauthorized use, misuse and retrieval of electronic information and the information and communication systems they contain, in such a way to enhance the protection, confidentiality and privacy of data from the cyberspace risks.