
The Bioinformatics program in the faculty of computer and information sciences aims to be a distinguished leader and a role model in the field of Bioinformatics inside Egypt particularly and at the international level in general, and that’s through providing society with Bioinformatics graduates that are able to contribute to its development and achieve its aspirations.


Pursuing more communication with the society to be able to fulfill its needs by providing consulting and research experience that serve the society distinctively which helps to accomplish continuous development and enhance the research capabilities and abilities of students. Providing Society with specialized Bioinformatics graduates having the relevant knowledge and the scientific/applied skills suitable for needs of the integrated and continuous development of society in various sectors to cover the needs of the local and global market. Increasing the scientific consciousness and interest in applied research for the use of computer technologies and bioinformatics in various sectors and institutions in the country in the fields of social, economic, scientific and research, and raising the efficiency of their use through organizing specialized training courses in the fields of computer science and bioinformatics. Partnering with institutions and companies at the local, regional and global levels to exchange experiences and conduct research through seminars and scientific conferences to increase the scientific level of the specialized graduates.


The BSc in Bioinformatics Technology (BIO) program, validated at Ain Shams University’s Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences in 2007, aims to graduate skilful specialists, who are capable of  utilizing and developing new technologies in advanced bioinformatics areas, with solid understanding of exploring, analysing and interpreting contemporary biological data. The program provides the student with both breadth and depth of knowledge in the concepts and techniques related to the design, programming, and application of Bioinformatics. The BIO program is designed to allow the student to use a mix of theory, experimentation, and computer modelling. Theorists explain things using mathematical models, such as partial differential equations. Experimentalists measure natural phenomena and collect and analyze the resulting experimental data. Computer modelers develop computer programs that produce synthetic data, which can then be collected and analyzed. These enable graduates to integrate theory and practice and prepare them for lifelong learning that will enable them to move beyond today’s technology to meet the challenges of the present and future market needs.